Monday, February 15, 2010

Futures And Options Markets Sixth Edition Solutional Manual Esnips How Liquid Are Currency Futures Options?

How liquid are Currency Futures Options? - futures and options markets sixth edition solutional manual esnips


I can not access the options on currency futures, so I asked how they are liquid. Like, what they call the typical bid / ask-Jan EUR 1.40 / USD?

I was looking strategy to treat the neck. I thought the options market more liquid than stock options, even in ETFs
What do you think?


  1. After all, are usually much cash, or at least the major currencies. (If you buy money in Zimbabwe or Haiti, is another story)

    Check the volume and the associated measures for minor things, but with euro and dollar, it was to be extremely rich to worry about the trade position is not so important that liquids (trade and create) limits for individuals.

  2. I do not know. Too many variables .. Did you see that Israel goes to war? Have you seen Georgia and Russia ....................... crises.the oil housing mounts crises.the drop.The financial or housing just took .......... difficult market ...........
