Tuesday, February 23, 2010

36 Weeks Pregnant Chest Pains 36 Weeks Pregnant.. Whats Going On??

36 weeks pregnant.. whats going on?? - 36 weeks pregnant chest pains

In 36 weeks pregnant. My doctor told me I was 2 cm wide and 50% agreed Tuesday. I've had my mucous plug a week ago, a few spots. I had Braxton-Hicks daily for 2 weeks .. Anyway. As I am one .. of Braxton Hicks contractions I Lose My Breath is really hard to breathe. Since my chest is closed .. My back starts to complain, but this is longer than the bra .. and I feel my legs numb every time it happens! .. yeah its really weird. But I'm not much pain when I'm worried that their workforce. In asking whether this is normal ...?.

Another question .. lol sorry '
around my floor was a little .. aqueous today? I like but the water is simply not the same as usual? .. Whats going on.

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