Sunday, February 14, 2010

Glue Half Drilled Beads How Do You Put Half Drilled Beads On A Ring With The Post?

How do you put half drilled beads on a ring with the post? - glue half drilled beads

I thought it would only DAB or glue them in a cycle. ... And just in the perforated plate lunch, but someone told me that this is unprofessional. What can he do?


  1. Who told you it was not professional, but probably not a professional goldsmith or jeweler. They can be used with glue or epoxy adhesive gel on the shelf. Just not in the water.

  2. Not sure how I never seen like this to find. However, I know from experience with Fire Mountain Gems, have excellent experts who will answer all questions. Go to the website designer and fun, click on "Ask the Experts."
