Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Is Fibromyalgia More Condition_symptoms Are There Any Natural Remedies For Fibromyalgia That Really Work?

Are there any natural remedies for Fibromyalgia that really work? - what is fibromyalgia more condition_symptoms

I have fibromyalgia and has been on a roller coaster of prescription drugs. I've had enough. This was a few years, and I'm still not feeling better. He still does not like H ** L, but I'm really tired of being treated like a Guinea Pig! I am willing to try natural remedies. I take Elavil psychological aspects of illness. I do not want one of those who say, "Oh, I'm feeling good" and then the medicine, but do not want to be drug-related crime.

1 comment:

  1. Re whoa, some people diagnosed with FMS can be cured (which is misdiagnosed with injections of vitamin B12) were

    5HTP can work, is the natural form of the SSRIs, but you can not combine --

    musculoskeltal drugs do not work. we believe that FMS Neurological (nervosu central system) in nature for over 10 years

    Drugs that promise, for people who really FMS is Lyrica and Tramadol (for pain, SSRIs have shown)
